
Welcome to the 54th Ansar Cubs page.

Cub Scouts take part in a balanced programme which is split into six different programme zones (beliefs and attitudes; community; fitness; creative; global; and outdoor and adventure). The programme is delivered using eleven different methods. Over a period of time Cubs will take part in activities which cover all of the zones and make use of all of the different methods.

When a young person joins the Cub Pack he or she will start by working towards the Cub Scout Membership Award. This involves learning about the Pack and understanding the Cub Scout Promise and Law and other rules of the Pack. The young person will also find out about Scouting more generally and will learn about the Scout Motto, Sign, Salute and Handshake. He or she will usually attend at least four or five meetings before being invested as a Cub Scout.

After Cub have been invested they can start working towards the seven Challenge Awards which complement the balanced programme. If a Cub completes six Challenges (all except the Outdoor Plus) they earn the Chief Scout’s Silver Award, the highest award available to Cub Scouts.

Cub Scouts can also work towards thirty-three different activity badges and six different staged activity badges as well as three awards in association with other sections in the Group.

Cubs can also earn Joining In Badges to show how long they have been a part of the Scout Movement and a Moving On Award when they continue to Scouts.

Click here to find out more about the Cub programme and award scheme.